From August 18 through November 23, 2010, I will be living in Florence, Italy. There are 40 individuals participating in the Elon: Florence study abroad program. Four boys, and 36 girls (the normal ratio of Elon) are living in apartments scattered throughout the city. My apartment happens to be located in
l'oltrano. It is absolutely beautiful. There are eight of us living in the apartment (Kara & Lexi, Jess & Kathleen, Ellen & Anna, and Ally & I). Above us, there is another apartment housing five other Elon students.
The apartment is
much larger than I expected it would be. The room I share with Ally even has a chandelier! Very classy. Personally, I think that our room is the biggest out of the four in the apartment. The spacious aspect of my bedroom aside, my bed is incredibly squeaky. I had no idea that I toss and turn so much as I try to fall asleep... but the squeaky nature of my bed has made me (and my roommate, I'm sure) acutely aware of that. Our apartment is fully furnished and supposedly, someone will come weekly to change our linens. That was welcome news.

Our kitchen is of a good size as well, though when more than 2 of us are in there at once trying to prepare a meal, it can be pretty chaotic! It's a lot like life was at Elon - I like a clean kitchen, and very few of my roommates seem to agree! I don't like to let the kitchen fester with dirty plates, forks, and knives, so it's become somewhat of a habit for me to do the dishes every time I enter the kitchen.
We hang out in our living room fairly often, doing homework, watching TV on our respective laptops (all eight of us have MacBooks!), eating dinner, or just relaxing.
I'm so excited for these next three months!